36 That’s the reason those visions are so–so tremendous to me, because it’s been proved « right » every time. See? And I know that He promised that. And He promised it in His Word, and here He comes and promised it for this day. Therefore, you know where you’re standing, when He said so. See, that gives me a faith, because He never does nothing contrary to His written Word. See? And if it was contrary to the Word, I couldn’t have faith in it. Brings it right back again to the Word, see, faith in hearing the Word of God. You must hear the Word! God’s Word is that all-sufficient Word. It’s all you have need of, is this Word.
16 Now, I’m not allergic to illusions, as I know of. But visions are real. And there stood the Lord Jesus, the first time I had ever saw Him in a vision of that type. He was just about, oh, probably ten feet above my head, standing in mid-air, with one foot just making a step. He had on a white garment, a fringe around the side of it. He had hair down to His shoulders. He looked to be about, a Man about what the Bible said He was, about thirty. But, a small, thin-built Fellow, very small, looked like He wouldn’t weigh over a hundred and thirty pounds.
248 And another thing, Mrs. Woods told me that I spoke to her sister, an older sister, that I really was in her home the other day and eat dinner with her, or supper with her, down in Kentucky. And Almighty God knows that I didn’t recognize that woman. See? That’s right. Just… Visions are sovereign. We never know how they’re going to go or what’s going to happen. It’s up to God, and what–what takes place. But I did know, in waiting for them, waiting for there.