144 Remember, it was a unpardonable sin, three times in the Bible, for any persons to add one word of their own interpretation to God’s Word after It had been vindicated the Truth.
In the garden of Eden, right, in the garden of Eden, one word added caused death.
When Balaam added the word, that, « We’re all the same, » they, God never did forgive Israel that. Every one of them perished in the wilderness, except the three that God brought out.
Jesus said, « They’re, every one, dead, » that’s Eternally separated. They’re all gone; never was forgiven. It’s a unpardonable sin; never forgiven them. Oh, my!
Flee it, children of the evening Lights!
44 And so that being a type of rejecting Christ, in that generation; this is a greater type, for that generation that rejected the resurrection had pardon, but this generation who makes fun of the Holy Ghost is impardonable. We’re… Greater is he that rejects the Holy Spirit than he that reject Jesus Christ in the days of His flesh on the earth. Jesus said so, « You speak against the Son of man, » when they said He was a fortuneteller or some evil spirit, said, « you speak against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven you. But whoever speaks a word against the Holy Ghost, shall never be forgiven them in this world, » that is, call the working of the Holy Ghost an evil, unclean thing, when they see the work of God being done.
225 Many of them precious Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, Wesleyan Methodist, and so forth, all of them live a good, clean life, sanctified, and think it’s got the Holy Ghost; and hear a fellow speak in tongues, or something, they’ll laugh at him, make fun of him, and say, « It’s of the Devil. » Brother, you sealed your doom when you did that. You blasphemed the Holy Ghost, which is unpardonable.
325 What would you do with Saint Paul, if he wanted to be a minister? A little, old hook-nosed Jew, and a mouth setting sideways, going along just fussing, and how he’s going to tear out the Church. He’s going to do everything. You’d thought he committed the unpardonable sin. But God said, « He’s my servant. »
51 I’ve got a mother setting right here that I, on the very subject I’m coming to in a few minutes, told me years ago, that she thought the unpardonable sin was for a–a woman to–abortion case, in other words, take the life of a child ‘fore it was born. Said, « How could she ever be forgiven it? » Mama, in her best of her knowledge, to all that she knew, that was true. See? But it isn’t true according to the Word of God, so that makes a difference.
120 Now, we know one thing. Now, look here. Here’s the whole capping off of every verse in the Bible. We’ll just take it in a few minutes to show you that every place it was spoke of, of the unpardonable, unpardonable sin… Then Paul comes over here to cap it off, said, « If we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin. » Then that’s got to be the unpardonable sin, is sinning wilfully. Is that right? « He that sins wilfully… »
134 If you know what is the Gospel truth, and it’s laid out to you, and God has revealed It to you, and you know it’s the truth; but just to satisfy some congregation or some petty preacher, or to be popular, that you want to hold onto the things that you want to hold onto instead of taking God’s Word; Paul said, « He that sins, or disbelieves, wilfully after he has received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin. » There’s your unpardonable sin, is to know what is the truth and refuse to walk in it. Amen. Now, you believe that’s right? That’s what the Bible said. « He that sins. » Sin is « unbelief. »