68 That’s where the Catholics are so in unity, the Roman Catholic, course they’re in a unity, they’re… the majority is the Roman Catholic; the Greek and other Catholics are–are not as much as the Roman Catholic. Now they unite together, and that’s the reason they stand together. No matter what takes place, that pope is the head of everything. See? And no matter what anybody else says, « He’s the infallible; he’s–he’s–he’s a vicar of God, that’s all; he’s next to God; he has the jurisdiction over hell, Heaven, and purgatory. » See? So there isn’t a thing that can be done in that case; whatever he says, that’s what has to go.
160 Now, I want you to notice the four of them. Notice the off-mark of four of the spiritual mathematics. God is threes. This is four. He’s in four here. First, antichrist, white; second, false prophet, red; third, vicar of heavens and earth and–and purgatory, black; fourth, the beast, pale horse, Satan being kicked out of heaven. You want to read that? Revelations 12:13, Satan being kicked out of heaven… Then in Revelations 13:1-8, he is incarnate in the person of the beast.
276 And now, we find out then that Satan already had politics, but he’s trying to get the church. So he goes down to deceive it. He gets his superman, works him into an organization and crowns him vicar (See?) of Christ. Christ acted instead of God. See this guy’s a vicar instead of God. See? Just the same: instead of God, what he’s supposed to be, a vicar under Christ.
280 Oh, now, his great power comes; he was made vicar of heaven and worshipped as God, ruler of the earth. By uniting the church and state together made him ruler on earth, give him a crown over that. He could pray the souls out of purgatory. He could also inter… He was just like God on earth: instead of God.
281 Together he had great power to kill whomever did not agree with his command. Who’s going to say anything to him? The church can’t say nothing; he’s head of it. State can’t say nothing; he’s head of it. So they died by the millions. All them little churches, brother, was busted up, and killed, and murdered, and fed to lions and everything else. See? The dragon, Rome, give him his seat and authority. The Bible said so. See? So he rode his typed red horse through human blood till it become a red horse.
244 I been right there and seen it myself, would know, up over his place (his throne, as it was) like they set the first Boniface up, the III, up at the beginning of the Catholic age here. And up over there it’s Vicarivs Filii Dei, which means « a vicar of the Son of God. » Dei, Dei, « Deity, » see. See, « The vicar of the Son of God. » In other words, « Just like the Son of God sitting here on earth, » see, « all powers to change the Bible, » change anything he wants to. Therefore, « Say ‘Hail Mary’! » What does the pope say? « We’ll have ‘Hail Mary’! » That settles it. Uh-huh, uh-hum. « Well, we’ll do so-and-so. » What the pope says, that’s it, that’s it. « A vicar instead of the Son of God. »